St. Marys Middle School’s “mini-thon” raises more than $18,000

ST. MARYS — Elk County students far-exceeded their goal of raising at least $10,000 in the fight against pediatric cancer.At St. Marys Middle School’s third annual “mini-thon” this week, more than $18,000 was raised for the Four Diamonds Foundation.Just like Penn State’s annual Thon...

DuBois dancers help to raise more than $27,000 for THON

DuBois, PA — While recovering from the 46-hour dance marathon that wrapped up at 4 p.m. on Feb. 20, Penn State DuBois' THON dancers for 2022, Hannah Allen, Haley Rummel, Elise DuFour and Alena Keen, can rest knowing that they championed efforts resulting in...

Penn State’s 2022 THON raises record breaking $13.7 million

State College, PA – THON's annual fundraiser in the fight against pediatric cancer wrapped up their 46-hour dance marathon on Sunday.The theme this year was Spark Endless Light, with fundraisers happening throughout the past 12 months to benefit the Four Diamonds Fund.And the total...

THON 46-hour dance marathon starts today

State College, PA – THON kicks off today, a 46-hour dance marathon held to raise money for cancer research and support for kids battling pediatric cancer.This is a special year because THON is back to in-person celebrations and it also marks the 50th anniversary...