Sunday is PA’s “Fish-for-Free” Day

HARRISBURG – Normally, a fishing license is required before you can cast a line into the water. But this Sunday, May 26th, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is offering a statewide “Fish-for-Free”...

Today is PA’s Primary Election Day

HARRISBURG — Today is Primary Election Day in Pennsylvania. Polls will be open from 7 this morning until 8 tonight across the state. Only registered Democrat and Republican voters can cast ballots today to choose candidates within their parties...

PA’s Primary Election Day is Tuesday

HARRISBURG — Tomorrow is Pennsylvania’s 2024 primary Election Day. Polls will open at 7am and will close at 8pm.Only registered Democrat and Republican voters across the commonwealth will be choosing candidates to run in November’s general election. Candidates for U.S. President; U.S. House and...

PA Driver License, Photo Centers Closed Today

HARRISBURG – Today is Presidents Day, so the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reminds you that all driver license and photo centers are closed.While the state centers are closed in...

DOH highlights PA’s transition toward endemic stage of COVID-19

Harrisburg, PA - Acting Secretary of Health Keara Klinepeter provided an update on the commonwealth’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and highlighted preparations being made to continue protecting public health, as the commonwealth transitions toward the endemic stage of COVID-19.“Pennsylvania continues to address...