Protect yourself against tickborne diseases when outdoors

Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvanians experiencing “spring fever,” that perennial urge to venture outdoors to hike, hunt, fish and explore, should plan now to protect themselves and their families against potentially serious tickborne diseases—including Lyme disease and the rare but dangerous Deer Tick Virus (DTV), which...

Prevalence of ticks in PA is high, take steps to prevent bites

​Harrisburg, PA -- Pennsylvania Acting Physician General Dr. Denise Johnson, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Secretary Patrick McDonnell, and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn today met at Boyd Big Tree Preserve to discuss the high prevalence of ticks...

Avoid ticks now that nicer weather is here

Harrisburg, PA – With the new spring season here, Pennsylvania is reminding our residents and visitors to avoid ticks by taking precautions when spending time outdoors as the weather warms.“Spending time outdoors and participating in physical activity is a key part of living a...

Reminder: Ticks and Lyme Disease still a danger in fall

Harrisburg, PA -- As people continue to spend time outdoors during the fall months, the Wolf Administration wants to remind residents of the dangers of tick and mosquito-borne illnesses, and to take steps to protect themselves.“Autumn is a wonderful season to spend time outdoors and...

Symptoms of Lyme disease and COVID-19 can look very similar

Harrisburg, PA – This time of the year is one of the worst times for ticks and Lyme disease, and what's particularly unfortunate in 2020 is that some symptoms of Lyme disease, such as fever, chills and headache, are similar to symptoms of COVID-19.You...