Saturday: Final Day of Clearfield County Fair

CLEARFIELD – Saturday is the final day of the Clearfield County Fair.The 163rd Clearfield County Fair was moved to mid-July, and extended a few extra days this year.It concludes with a concert at...

Curwensville Days Continues at Irvin Park

CURWENSVILLE – The Curwensville Days celebration continues this evening.The free activities and entertainment at Curwensville's Irvin Park tonight includes a musical performance by the Grampian Band at 6, followed by the presentation of the Citizen of the Year Award.Then at 8, Heather Olson and...

Curwensville Days 2023 continues today

CURWENSVILLE – It’s day number two of Curwensville Days for 2023.All the activities, food vendors, and fun open at Irvin Park at 5pm.The Grampian Band kicks off tonight’s live music lineup on the park stage at 6pm.There will be an Elvis impersonator show at...

Sykesville Ag and Youth Fair winds down, Grampian Days continue

SYKESVILLE – It’s the final two days of the 2023 Sykesville Ag and Youth Fair.Tonight, there will be a Championship Demolition Derby featuring compact cars, mini-vans and trucks on the track at 7pm.The classic rock band Quarterstick will provide the live music entertainment starting...

Heather Olson sings National Anthem at PA Farm Show today

Harrisburg, PA – A local Curwensville woman is singing the National Anthem at the 2022 PA Farm Show today!In the Oh Say Can You Sing? Contest this year, singers who garnered the most social media votes were each given a day to start off...