Penn Highlands DuBois becomes trauma center

DUBOIS – DuBois now has a trauma center.Penn Highlands DuBois will officially be an accredited level 2 trauma center effective Tuesday, August 1.Trauma Medical Director Dr. Philip Vuocolo says they have one mission…to save lives… Penn Highlands DuBois recently opened their new Emergency Department with...

New Emergency Department opens at Penn Highlands DuBois

DUBOIS – Emergency healthcare services for DuBois area residents are now being offered at the new Emergency Department of Penn Highlands DuBois.Following Wednesday’s ribbon-cutting ceremony, the new expanded and modernized Emergency Department officially opened this morning.Here's Shaun Sheehan, Corporate Medical Director of Emergency Services...

Community invited to tour Penn Highlands Clearfield ER renovation

Clearfield, PA – If you have ever wondered what is behind the private doors in a hospital emergency department, now is your chance to see for yourself.Penn Highlands Clearfield, A Campus of Penn Highlands DuBois, recently completed a $6 million renovation to its Emergency...

Penn Highlands receives $1m grant for emergency dept renovations

DuBois, PA – Penn Highlands Healthcare received a $1 million grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to support Emergency Department renovations at Penn Highlands Clearfield.Senator Wayne Langerholc Jr. and William Armstrong district office manager for Representative Thomas R. Sankey, 111, presented the...

Clearfield Police: vehicle accidents, suspicious person

Clearfield, PA - A couple of vehicle accidents happened in Clearfield recently, including one that ended in a physical altercation. Police also assisted EMS twice at the Penn Highlands Clearfield emergency department with disorderly patients. Clearfield Police investigated reports of a suspicious man behind...

Homeless man with Hep C bites and spits on Penn Highlands nurse

DuBois, PA – A nurse at Penn Highlands DuBois hospital was spit on and bitten by a homeless man who tested positive for Hepatitis C.DuBois City Police have filed aggravated assault charges against 40-year-old Jason Arnold.The assault itself dates back to March 20 when...