Unknown driver in white box truck strikes tree in Big Run

Big Run, PA – Someone driving a white box truck struck a tree on Monday morning in Big Run, but police are still searching for who that driver was.It happened on East Main Street in Big Run just before 10 a.m. Monday.The unknown driver...

Fatal crash on I-80 in Brookville as box truck strikes bridge

Brookville, PA – A passenger of a box truck was killed and the driver was injured after a crash on Interstate 80 over the weekend.It happened around 1 p.m. Saturday near mile marker 79 on I-80 eastbound in Brookville Borough.Neither of the victims are...

Riding lawnmower stolen in Eldred Township, Jefferson County

Eldred Township, PA – Someone stole a riding lawn mower worth more than $2,000 in Jefferson County.The Gravely brand model ZT34 zero-turn riding lawn mower belongs a 30-year-old Brookville man who had it parked inside a box trailer on Julia Way in Eldred Township.It...