Clearfield County, PA – Due to CCOVID-19, Senior Farmers Market Nutrition will follow last year’s protocol for distribution of vouchers.
All vouchers in 2021 will be distributed via mail. For more information or to register, contact the Clearfield County Area Agency Inc. special Farmers Market number at 814-765-2691. Follow the directions on the phone and your application will be mailed to you to fill out and mail back. Please leave only one message. We will not start mailing out applications until May 17th.
Applicants must be 60 years of age or older by 12/31/2021 and have a yearly gross household income of less than $23,828 for one or $32,227 for two people. Each qualified senior may only receive the $24 FMNP benefit one time per year.
Once applications are returned and processed you will receive your checks in the mail.
Applications are not available for pick up or drop off at CCAA offices or Centers for Active Living.
ALL Meals on Wheels Consumers will receive applications with a meal delivery.
Programs and services of the Agency are funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc, Mature Resources Foundation, and local and consumer contributions.