Penn State DuBois raises nearly $20,000 for THON, fight against childhood cancer


DuBois, PA – Penn State DuBois raised nearly $20,000 so far this year for THON, benefiting the fight against childhood cancer!

For the first time ever, the annual hair auction had to be held virtually. Although the public could not attend, the participants gathered at the Beauty Bar in DuBois on Wednesday night. The hair stylists volunteered not only to cut hair as usual but also lent their salon out as the location for the event.

Donors could watch via Zoom or Facebook Live and type the donations that they want to make.

Penn State DuBois started the night with $11,826.77 that had already been raised by students.

Through the virtual hair auction. they added an additional $7,615 last night! That brings the new total to $19,441.77.

They’d love to reach $20,000 or even more. Every donation, big or small, helps in the fight against childhood cancer.


THON Hair Auction donors are, clockwise from top, left, Megan McCain, Steve Harmic and Audrey Harmic, Heather Witherow, Jessica Mondi, Alianna Raffeinner, and Michael Morri.

Image: Penn State

Donors loyal to the THON cause have an expression: “For the Kids” or “FTK”. Another donor has signed up for this year’s Penn State DuBois hair auction, joining others who have put their locks on the line, “For the kids”. Alianna Raffeinner, a 10 year old from Kersey, PA, is asking $200 an inch up to 10 inches of hair. Her full goal would total $2,000. She joins Heather Witherow, Megan McCain, 9-year old Audrey Harmic, Steve Harmic, Jessica Mondi, and Michael Morri, as this year’s hair donors.

Each year, student activists at Penn State DuBois work tirelessly to support the efforts of THON, Penn State’s Dance Marathon, that raises millions of dollars toward the fight against pediatric cancer.  Though the landscape is much different this year, brave volunteers have still stepped up for the biggest fundraiser of every THON season, the hair auction, to raise funds for Penn State DuBois Benefiting THON, a student-led organization that supports the University-wide mission of THON.

Each volunteer has set a minimum amount that has to be reached in order for them to lose their locks. In addition to Raffeinner’s goal, Heather Witherow, former Penn State DuBois Student Government Association president, is looking for $200 per inch of hair, up to 12 inches, totaling $2,400.

Megan McCain, Penn State DuBois student, seeks $200 per inch, up to four inches, totaling $800.

Steve Harmic, Penn State DuBois Strategic communications officer, is looking for $1,000 to get a shorter hair cut. If he reaches $1,500, as some supporters have suggested, he will keep his hair growing another year in order to have enough length to donate to an organization that makes wigs for children battling cancer.

Steve’s daughter, Audrey Harmic has placed a reserve of $1,000 to cut her long hair to shoulder length.

Jess Mondi, the Penn State DuBois marketing strategist, will keep things interesting, allowing individuals to vote on the cut they want her to get on the night of the event with a reserve of $2,000.

Michael Morri, student, will also keep the audience engaged with his plan to accept $7 for the first inch he sheds, with the price doubling for each inch up to a shaved head, which he hopes results in $3,577 raised for THON.

The haircuts will be given by the talented hair stylists at the Beauty Bar in Dubois. They have also generously lent their salon to be the location of the virtual event.

Other donations may be made via THON’s Donor Drive at

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