Pennsylvania – Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is offering supplemental learning tools for in-class, virtual or homeschoolers through their Open Your Eyes to Litter series of five books. The books provide hands-on learning and are appropriate for grades K through six.
Each book addresses the PA Department of Education Academic Standards for Environment, Ecology and Geography and has a supplementary Teacher’s Guide that suggests multi-disciplined educational activities that expands on the information, ideas, and activities that are included in each book.
· Open Your Eyes to Litter, Volume 1 – Explains the difference between intentional and accidental litter and who is affected by it. Also available in Spanish.
· Open Your Eyes to Litter, Our Littered Past – Illustrates litter and waste issues from prehistoric times to the present and explains how each culture managed or didn’t manage their waste. Also available in Spanish.
· Open Your Eyes to Litter, Think Before You Toss – Explains ways trash can be properly disposed, what happens to trash once it is thrown away, and why you should reduce, reuse and recycle.
· Open Your Eyes to Litter, In a Watershed – Illustrates how litter and illegal dumping affect watersheds and the animals and people who live, work, and play there.
· Open Your Eyes to Litter, Keeping Our Greenways Clean – Explains how litter affects our greenways, how greenways function, and encourages both awareness and stewardship of greenways. This book illustrates the major greenways in Pennsylvania and shows how they connect cities and communities.
The books and teachers guides are available to download at this link:
“Our Open Your Eyes to Litter books are a perfect complement to an in-class or virtual lesson about litter or recycling. Students can follow up with a litter pick up of their school grounds or neighborhood, as long as they observe recent social distancing guidelines. Our books can help kids learn the huge impact litter has on our economy and the natural world and gives them ideas of what they can do about it,” said Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful.
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful will provide technical assistance to parks and recreation departments, solid waste authorities, schools, local officials and others who wish to include the cost of printing and distribution of Open Your Eyes to Litter books in their budget. Contact Stephanie Larson at [email protected]g or 724-836-4121.
About Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s mission is empowering Pennsylvanians to keep our communities clean and beautiful. Since 1990, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and its volunteers have removed over 147 million pounds of litter from Pennsylvania’s roadways, greenways, parks, forests, and waterways. To learn more about Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, visit