Jefferson County reminds residents to follow guidelines, stay at home


Jefferson County, PA – The Jefferson County Commissioners and the Jefferson County Department of Emergency Services remind everyone that this is an important time in our lives. More than ever, the mitigation strategies laid out by state and federal officials are important to keep the spread of COVID-19 down.

“Every day we see the number of confirmed cases spreading across the Commonwealth and including our neighboring counties,” Director of Emergency Services Tracy W. Zents said. “We know that this situation is hard and not our normal routine, but it is important for your health, your families’ health and everyone around you. We are fortunate that as of April 2, there are no cases within the County.”

The Center for Disease Control and the Pennsylvania Department of Health, working with the President and the Governor of Pennsylvania have outlined that social distancing, along with good hygiene, is minimizing the spread of the virus. Governor Wolf has issued a stay-at-home order for all of Pennsylvania, to include Jefferson County until the end of April.

Jefferson County Commissioner Jack Matson stated “Herb Bullers, Jeff Pisarcik, and I have put a plan together to keep essential services of the county operational. All county business is by appointment only and with the help of the Sheriff’s and maintenance departments, social distancing and sanitizing protocols have been implemented in the public areas. Our elected officials and department heads have put their own plans together and have demonstrated why they were elected and why they are trusted with the jobs that they do. Our economic development team, including Jamie Lefever and Bill Setree will be working with our businesses, directing them to their lending institutions so that they can take advantage of the emergency programs and funding so the region can quickly rebound.”

Zents also explained that the County has been securing personal protective equipment for our first responders, as well as supporting some of the needs of our health care community. The Department of Emergency Services have been in close contact with all of the municipal leaders, first responders, hospitals, private sector partners and others through multiple conference call meetings. “Every day we are sharing information with all of our stakeholders so they can better prepare themselves,” Zents said. “We will continue this collaboration for the safety and welfare of the County. We need everyone’s help to get through this, and we will get through this together.”

Matson stated, “We should all feel better knowing that Jefferson County is in capable hands. We are fortunate to have Tracy Zents, Chris Clark, and their team who are the best in the state with what they do. We are prepared for now. We will adjust when the situation dictates. Herb, Jeff and I have never been prouder of the people that we work with and the communities we live in. I am continually impressed with the innovation, adaptations, and willingness to help. COVID 19 is showing me why I chose to live here. Stay safe, Jefferson County.”

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