Extremely Cold Weather Predicted for our Area.


DUBOIS – Monday through Wednesday we are expected to receive temperatures as low as -20 degrees, we have the latest on what you can do to stay safe and prepared.

We are also in contact with Clearfield County Emergency Management crews on emergency situations and warming shelters throughout the week of January 20, 2025. 

During daylight hours you can visit any of the following locations:

DuBois YMCA at 25 Parkway Drive with overflow available at Friendship, Volunteers, J E DuBois, Fourth Ward, and Goodwill Fire Stations.

Clearfield County Meals on Wheels Centers will also be used as warming shelters.

If any of these sites is not available or an emergency situation arises you are urged to call County Control at 814-765-1533.

During this weather, you should practice extreme caution when going outdoors, and try to stay inside whenever possible.


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