DuBois, PA – The DuBois Diner is closed due to staffing issues.
The diner’s management says they have had numerous ads out for hiring employees, but they are not getting the applications they need to run efficiently.
Click Here to see the DuBois Diner Facebook page, with ongoing updates about the closure.
According to a Facebook post from the DuBois Diner:
Regretfully we need to let our loyal customers know that at this time the DuBois Diner has made the decision to close permanently. Thank you for your support and all the nice words of encouragement that we have received from all of you. We all know the rumors will start to fly, but it is due to lack of employees. We had numerous ads out but were just not getting the applications that are needed to run efficiently. We want to thank all of patrons for the past 16 years. This has been a very hard decision to make for all involved. We also want to thank all of the loyal employees that have stood by through out all of this. You are all great people and wish the best for all.