DuBois, PA – Remember, tomorrow Penn Highlands is making it easy—and safe—to get your flu shot this year.
When: Tomorrow (September 26, 2020) from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Where: Central Resource Center Parking Lot
(formerly the DuBois Central Catholic school building)
Penn Highlands DuBois
204 Hospital Avenue
DuBois, PA
• Covered under most insurances. Cash and check also accepted.
• Available for patients ages 14+.
• Bring a copy of insurance card.
• All patients must wear a mask.
• If you don’t have insurance, out-of-pocket cost is $40, or $80 for high-dose for patients aged 65 and older. Cash and checks accepted.
Dr. Depak Garg from Penn Highlands talks about why a flu shot is so important, especially this year, at the beginning of he Contact Show with Joe Taylor.