Clearfield County, PA – Clearfield County residents are urged to stay at home and for only those with essential jobs to travel outside the county.
Clearfield County COVID-19 Travel Advisory
The Clearfield County Commissioners, in conjunction with county EMA Director Joe Bigar, are urging county residents to minimize their travel.
“We understand it is an inconvenience, but the threat of COVID-19 is very real. There are infection ‘hot spots’ all over the state, and we all need to work together to keep Clearfield County from becoming the next one”, said the Commissioners.
“We are asking only those with essential jobs to travel outside the county. Do your grocery shopping locally. Go for walks in your neighborhoods for exercise, rather than at traditional gathering spots.”
Director Bigar concurred, adding “The entire country is short on testing and other supplies. Social distancing helps give our county time to prepare. Traveling outside your immediate area greatly increases your risk, and the risk to your families. Please stay home as much as possible.”
The Commissioners also noted the state recommendation for masks. “When you must travel outside your home, it is recommended that you wear a mask- especially when you are in a grocery store or other crowded area. Cloth masks provide some protection, and help slow the spread of the virus. There are many online videos that show how to make one.”
Antonio Scotto
John Sobel
Dave Glass
Clearfield County Commissioners