Clearfield, PA – Some employees and visitors to the Clearfield County Courthouse are undergoing contact tracing after one courthouse employee tested positive for COVID-19.
The Clearfield County Courthouse was closed off on Friday for disinfecting and cleaning after the news.
Although they do not say officially who tested positive, Clearfield County Commissioners say the Department of Health will be reaching out to anyone who might have been in close proximity to the individual over the past week and those people will be asked to quarantine at home.
If you have been to the Clearfield County Courthouse or Annex over the past week, you are advised to go get tested only if you experience any COVID-19 related symptoms, such as fever, cough, loss of taste or smell, or unusual fatigue.
The Commissioners are also reminding everyone that masks are the first and best line of defense against this virus, and you should wear a mask while in public spaces, especially indoors.