Clarion, PA – Clarion University has made the decision to move to mostly online instruction for the fall semester.
According to the university, the majority of classes with have remote instruction, with only courses that involving things like student teaching, internships, externship, clinicals, and co-ops to continue in-person.
Depending on the teaching style for online classes, some professors may choose to have students all log-on for virtual instruction at the same time or students might be asked to just complete their work by a deadline.
Students can still choose to live on-campus if they would like to, and buildings like the campus library, computer labs, rec center, and student services will be open with safety precautions in place.
Dining buildings will have occupancy limits, just as restaurants throughout the state have had.
In comparison, penn State University has chosen to start limited in-person classes as usual on Aug. 24, but they’ll be ending the semester with classes online. Penn State campus-based, residential instruction will end Friday, Nov. 20, with the remainder of the semester — including final examinations — being delivered remotely and online when classes resume after Thanksgiving break on Nov. 30.