Brockway adopts new public gathering, rally rules


Brockway, PA – The Brockway Borough Council adopted a resolution to help guide public gatherings and demonstrations in the borough.

The new resolution aims to help the borough plan for events like demonstrations and rallies while still protecting the rights of its citizens. People wishing to hold a rally must contact the borough office during regular business hours ahead of an event. The borough is asking that the contact happens at least five days before the event.

Solicitor Ross Ferraro explained that the resolution will help keep the borough prepared, but the community still has the right to assemble.

The fire department received its COVID-19 shots recently. 14 firefighters got the shot through working with Penn Highlands Healthcare and the county emergency management. The department also responded to nine calls for service since the last meeting.

The borough reminded residents that the plans for the Route 219-28 intersection project are on the PennDOT website. Public comment will be open on the site until February 8.

The Brockway Borough Council will meet again March 4 at the Brockway Ambulance Building.

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