180 W. Trinity Drive Clarion PA 16214)
The 27th Annual Western PA Grazing Conference will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at the Trinity Point Church of God in Clarion, PA (180 W. Trinity Drive Clarion PA 16214) from 8:30am to 5:00pm (doors open at 7:30am). Dr. Matt Poore of NCSU & Triple Creek Ranch, VA, and Eli Mack of Mack Farms, PA are the keynote speakers this year. Cost to attend is $45/adult, free for ages 18 & under. Includes a continental breakfast and a hot lunch. Checks payable to the Clarion Conservation District. Registration deadline is March 6th. For more information or to register, visit www.westernpagrazing.com. For questions, contact the Clarion Conservation District at 814-393-6147 or the Jefferson Conservation District at 814-849-7463. The conference is organized by the Western PA Grazing Conference Committee. Members include NRCS, Jefferson, Clarion, and Clearfield Conservation Districts, Penn State Extension, NW and SW PA Project Grass, and local farmers. Grant support is provided by the PA Grazing Lands Coalition.